Thursday, 4 June 2015

SOSOR BEBEK ( Latin:Kalanchoe pinnata syn. Bryophyllum calycinum syn. Bryophyllum pinnatum )


SOSOR BEBEK ( Latin: Kalanchoe pinnata syn. Bryophyllum calycinum syn. Bryophyllum pinnatum ) 


Traditional Herbal Medicines endlessly sought by halayak wider community . This is because the natural materials used for its main ingredient is very easy in looking at the environment around us . Plants such example Cocor duck who would have thought this plant if we can as an alternative treatment in a way that is relatively easy and simple . Actually, if we are observant when experiencing health problems we do not need to rush to take medical measures that may sometimes inconvenient and require considerable buget for
 the area that most people in a thin pocket . Understand the nature was about looking natural plants and if it was properly then be plants as medicine / herbal medicine to treat complaints of the buddy as well. 

Like the example above I have mentioned that plants could duck Cocor we use , to be a traditional medicine. Surely all know what that plant Cocor duck . Plants that we have encountered in tropical areas Cocor ducks can also grow in hot and dry areas as breeding can be done easily by adventik shoots . The leaves of this plant have a light green color , or also can be gray with a sour taste and a bit cold. elongated leaf shape like oval with serrated edges and a blunt tip so it looks like a duck tongue . With this plant is so easily recognized . 

Benefits and Efficacy Leaves Cocor Bebek quite a lot can be used to treat several types of ailments that often we feel in everyday life . This is because of the content contained in the leaves Cocor duck as substances of very high potassium , malic acid , lemon acid , resins , artthosiphonin glycosides , alkaloids , asa apple , vitamin C , flavonoids , and much more . But definitely this leaves besifat anti tumor and cold that can be as conditioning as well as an antiseptic and anti -inflammatory . Usually the leaves are also used to cure leishmaniasis . so that more detail usability leaves of this plant I describe below. 

Benefits And E Leaves Cocor Bebek 

  •  As Drug Headaches and cough / chest pain 
  •  As Drug Fever 
  •  To Treat Irregular Menstruation 
  • Treating Wounds 
  • For Ulcer Drugs 
  • As a medicine to stop bleeding hemorrhoids and hemorrhoid moment 
  • Mosquito bites as Medicine 
  • Curing ankle / hand sprain 
  • As a remedy toothache 
  • Overcoming vomiting blood 
  • Medicine tonsillitis 
  • Treating Inflammation of the outer ear 
  • Overcoming Pain in Stomach 
  • Treating Arthritis 
  • Relieve dysentery and diarrhea 
  • Overcoming Asthma 
  • Treating cracked feet 
  •  Treating Pain d 
  • Uring urination 

How to use leaves Cocor duck for Herbal Medicines 

1.      Its use could By the way along the water boiled with water and leaves a record dose cocor duck used with the right amount and in accordance with the type of illness . 
2.      By way crushed in the diseased ( in accordance with certain diseases ) 
3.      By way of such brewed tea ( In accordance with the type of illness ) 

Warning : 

1.      Overdosing can have an impact on the use of dizziness and vomiting 
2.      If consumed by pregnant women can lead to death of the fetus . 
3.      Forbidden to consume this herb to patients with gastrointestinal dysfunction 
4.      for the sensitive skin should be careful when using it because it can cause itching and by listers

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