Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Benefits of KEJI BELING


     Keji beling ( Stachytarpheta mutabilis )or Javanese people call it by the name "sambang geteh", while on the ground pasundan known as "remek meat", "reundeu Beureum", and the ternate call it by the name "lire". And has the Latin name Strobilanthes Bl or Sericocalyx crispus crispus ( L. ) is easily breed in the fertile soil and somewhat sheltered and open spaces which have a height 1-1000 m above sea level.This plant has a lot of minerals such as potassium, calcium, and sodium and other mineral elements. Besides, there are also silicic acid, tannins, and glycosides. Its usefulness as a remedy dysentery, diarrhea (diarrhea) and drugs kidney stones and can also as lowering cholesterol. The leaves of this plant other than boiled for drinking water, it can also be eaten as fresh vegetables every day and performed regularly.Leaves nasty shard is also often used to treat itchy body contact with the caterpillars or black ants, how by applying directly leaves nasty shard on the itchy areas. To cope with diarrhea (diarrhea), dysentery, all parts of the plant is boiled, for about half an hour, kudian water is drunk. The same process for treating kidney stones. Leaves nasty shard can also be overcome diabetes by means of regularly eaten as fresh vegetables every day. Similarly to mengobai liver disease (jaundice), ambient (hemorrhoids) and gastritis by means eaten regularly.

Traditional recipes Keji beling for treatment: 

1.  Bladder stones : Leaves Keji shard 1 gram; tembuyung leaves 10 grams; Water 100 ml, Made by infusion; brewed; crushed, Drink 1 a day 100 ml; When crushed drink 1 a day 1/4 cup.
2.  Urinating less smoothly : The fresh leaves 25 grams of washed and boiled with 2 cups water for 15 merit. After chilling filtered and drink as well. Do it in the morning or afternoon.
3.   Bladder stones : A handful of leaves nasty shard and one young corn cobs washed, then boiled with 2 liters of water until the remaining 1 liter. After chilling filtered, then drink. Do the morning and evening, each I / 2 cups.
4.  Gall bladder stones : Fresh leaves nasty shard 5 pieces, fresh violet leaves 7 pieces, washed and boiled in 3 cups of water until the remaining 2 cups of drink such as tea.
5.  Diabetes : The fresh leaves 20-50 grams, boiled with 6 cups of water until the remaining 3 cups, cooled, filtered. Drink 1 glass 3 times per day.
6.  Kidney stones : Leaves vile Potsherd 50 grams, fresh meniran 7 stems, leaves purple 7 pieces. Washed first boiled in 4 cups of water to be 2 cups cool, strain, drink 2/3 cup 3 times per day. or leaves nasty shard 5 pieces, leaf fresh tempuyung 5 pieces of corn cob 6 pieces, washed and then boiled with 5 cups water until the remaining 2 ¼ cups. After chilling filtered, divided for 3 times the drink, out in one day. Do it every day until the pain disappears.
7.  Constipation : Take 1/2 handful of fresh leaves nasty shard, wash and then boiled with 2 cups of water until the remaining 1 cup. After chilling filtered and drunk.
8.  Hemorrhoids : Fresh leaves 20-50 grams, boiled with 6 cups of water until the remaining 3 cups, cool, strain. Drink 1 glass 3 times per day.
9.   Tumor : Leaves Keji porcelain raw and fresh 3 pieces. How to use: eaten as fresh vegetables every day and performed regularly. Abstinence: Salted Fish, chili, bean sprouts, cabbage, kale, pineapple, durian, Lengkong, jackfruit, ice, alcohol and tape, lemonade and vitzin.
10. Diabetes mellitus : Leaves Keji porcelain raw and fresh 3 pieces. How to use: eaten as fresh vegetables every day and performed regularly.
11. Liver (sore Yellow) : Leaves Keeji porcelain raw and fresh 3 pieces. How to use: eaten as fresh vegetables every day and performed regularly. Abstinence: foods that contain fat.
12. High cholesterol : Leaves Keji porcelain raw and fresh 3 pieces. How to use: eaten as fresh vegetables every day and performed regularly. Abstinence: fatty foods.
13. Maag : Leaves Keji porcelain raw and fresh 3 pieces. How to use: eaten as fresh vegetables every day and performed regularly. Abstinence: spicy or acidic foods.
14. Can hit Caterpillars and Ants Black : Leaves Keji porcelain raw and fresh one sheet. How to use: rubbed on the body that itch until the leaf water out and destroyed. Performed two times after a lapse of 2 hours.
15. Drug dysentery, diarrhea. This plant has a lot of minerals such as potassium, calcium, and sodium and other mineral elements. Besides, there are also silicic acid, tannins, and glycosides. Its usefulness as a remedy dysentery, diarrhea (diarrhea) and drugs kidney stones and can also as lowering cholesterol. To cope with diarrhea (diarrhea), dysentery, all parts of the plant is boiled, for about half an hour, kudian water is drunk. The same process for treating kidney stones. Leaves nasty shard can also be overcome diabetes by means of regularly eaten as fresh vegetables every day.
16. To overcome the itching : the leaves of this plant other than boiled for drinking water, it can also be eaten as fresh vegetables every day and performed regularly. Leaves nasty shard is also often used to treat itchy body contact with the caterpillars or black ants, how by applying directly leaves nasty shard on the itchy areas.


  1. please i needed to get dis drug(keji beiling),so kindly email me at my address chipardiz@ yahoo.com or chykochykolosis@gmail.com

  2. Thank you for posting all those infos.
    Very useful, as I am based in Bali and trying to know more about your jamu heritage...
    Keep in touch finearomas@gmail.com
