Friday, 12 June 2015

Benefits of REED

REED ( Imperata Cylindrica ) 
Scientific name is Imperata cylindrica, and placed in a child Panicoideae tribe. In English known as bladygrass, cogongrass, speargrass, silver - spike or commonly called satintail, referring to the white - haired flower panicles smooth. the Dutch named snijgrass, because the leaves are sharp hurt. Reeds or some say thatch also fields ( in the local language ) This is a plant that is very similar to rice, when seen from a distant view of the weeds will look like- crop rice. plant destroyer crops , wild plants can be called annoying for farmers , but it turns out in this century reed plants possessed properties that can be used for health .If the rice planting reeds definitely participate because the reed is a  

Here is a collection of 25 benefits and efficacy of herbal medicines of reeds for health : 
  1. Roots Herbal remedies reeds can treat kidney stone disease . 
  2. Roots Herbal remedies reeds cure kidney infection . 
  3. Roots Herbal remedies reeds treat bladder stones. 
  4. Roots Herbal remedies reeds cure gallstone disease . 
  5. Roots Herbal remedies treat vaginal discharge reeds . 
  6. The roots of weeds herbal medicine can cure bloody urine . 
  7. The roots of the weeds herbal medicine as a drug urination is not smooth. 
  8. Roots Herbal remedies to cure a nosebleed weeds . 
  9. Bulbs herbal medicine to cure urinary reeds constantly . 
  10. Herbal remedies treat prostate disease Bulbs weeds . 
  11. Herbal remedies reed rhizome treat whooping cough . 
  12. The reed rhizome herbal medicine to treat measles . 
  13. Herbal remedies treat the roots of the weeds sick liver inflammation . 
  14. Herbal remedies to cure asthma roots of weeds . 
  15. Roots Herbal remedies reeds treat bleeding in women. 
  16. Roots Herbal remedies to cure hepatitis weeds . 
  17. Traditional medicine grass roots to cure fever . 
  18. Herbal remedies grass roots cure high blood pressure 
  19. Herbal remedies treat nerve roots of weeds weak . 
  20. Roots Herbal remedies reeds treat inflammation of the lungs. 
  21. Traditional medicine to cure indigestion roots of weeds . 
  22. Traditional medicine grass roots treat diarrhea . 
  23. The herbal remedy root weeds cure coronary heart disease . 
  24. Herbal remedies grass roots treat diseases coughing up blood . 
  25. Herbal medicine grass roots Treating vomiting blood 
That's the benefit of reeds for health , then why can that much or even more than 25 properties of reeds? This is because the reeds containing mannitol , glucose , sakharosa , citric acid , malic acid , cylindrin , fernenol , coixol , arundoin , anemonin , simiarenol , resins , alkali metals , and acid grit . The content of the reeds are made ​​down the heat ( antipyretic ) , shed bladder ( diuretics ) , to stop the bleeding ( hemostatic ) , and quench thirst . Besides the reeds also possess a sweet and cool . The effect of this treatment plant enters the lung meridian , stomach , and small intestine . By the nature of the launch diueretik urine , thatch is also efficacious cure inflammation of the kidneys and is a cough medicine . 

Might want to try it at home? Here we give way partly made ​​of reeds herbat drugs into medicines for health: 

1. Nosebleed
Prepare the roots of weeds to taste and mash and squeeze the juice to obtain 100 cc of water and then drink the juice directly . Or can be put on how to : prepare 30 g of fresh roots of weeds then washed and boiled with water about 3 cups and leave until the remaining 1 cup only. Furthermore drink the cooking water . 

2.      Urine is not smooth . 
How to serve: 49 Dry grass roots small cut , boiled with 2 cups water to boil and the remaining 1 cup . Then cool and strain , taken 2 times a day . 

3.      Overcoming bloody urine 
How: spoonful tubers dry reed with 2 cups boiling water , add 3 slices of pliers kwe ( candied pumpkin white / beligu ) to boiling water and remaining 1 cup. Drink 2 times a day , surely cure bloody urine , and normalizes the body temperature . 

4.      Acute kidney inflammation 
It is very easy to prepare approximately 60-120 grams of fresh reed roots that have been washed clean . Furthermore, the roots cut into small pieces and boiled with water until boiling approximately 3 cups and reserving 1 cup only. Then drink regularly 2-3 times a day . 

5.      Treating vomiting blood 
The way to prepare approximately 30-60 grams of fresh reed roots then wash . Cut into small pieces and boiled with water about 3 cups and leave until the remaining 1 cup . The cold and drink regularly . 

6.      Gonorrhea 
Prepare the roots of the weeds approximately 300 gr then wash and cut into small sizes . Then boiled in water to 2,000 cc and let stand until the remaining approximately 1,200 cc . Add a little sugar cubes and let stand until cool . Regularly drink three times a day instead of drinking tea .

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