Friday, 5 June 2015

SAGA LEAF (Adenanthera pavonina)

 Image result for daun saga

Saga Tree (Adenanthera pavonina) is a tree whose fruit resembles a banana (type pods), the plant originally comes from South Asia, but has now spread to various parts. He is often found in coastal areas and are commonly used as a shade tree on the major roads.  
As-many members of the tribe of legumes, double pinnate leaves were small red seeds - that's why there is a proverb that says "red eyes like seeds saga". Saga seeds contain fatty acids that can be a source of alternative energy (biodiesel)the most efficacious is the saga of the tree leaves. In addition can be directly consumed, sage leaves contain alkaloids that are effective for the cure of rheumatic diseases. 

Here are some examples of the use of sage leaves for the health of the body: 
  • Treating heart palpitations and cold sweats. Way, take 8 grams of sweet sage leaves and 10 grams of sembung. Add 5 grams of kencur then boiled with 400 ml of water. Drink the potion. 
  • Treating high blood pressure: Way, take a sweet sage leaves, the leaves of hooves, selamagi leaves, white pumpkin fruit, and leaves kejibaling. Boil with 4 cups of water until the remaining 2 cups. Strain and drink the water. 
  • Treating a dry cough :Way, take a sweet sage leaves, fruit that mateng pace, and leaves po'o. Finely crushed and boiled in 4 cups of water. Strain and drink the water. 
  • The leaves of this plant , when combined with leaf sirih , into drugs that can teradisional overcome thrush . These properties come from several active ingredients Abrus lactone , abrusgenat acid , and methyl derivative . The leaves also contain glycyrrhizin. 

To overcome the tonsils  
Sage leaves can treat tonsil with a very fast and precise . You do this simply by boiling the roots saga , 1 piece of cinnamon , sugar cubes and coupled together 5 cups water to boil . After boiling , strain and drink the water decoction of sage leaves twice a day in the morning and evening.

To overcome inflammation of the eye 
Besides being able to treat tonsil sage leaves are also able to cure inflammatory diseases of the eye . To treat eye inflammation using sage leaves only need a handful of sage leaves . The trick , a handful of sage leaves is first milled until smooth and then boiled in two cups of water to take the steam . After the steam has appeared later can be used as eye drops to treat eye inflammation . Benefits of red betel leaves and benefits are also known cabbage. 

To Treating cough with phlegm 
Any sage leaves can also be used as a cough with phlegm . You do this by setting up a handful of sage leaves , a small rhizome of ginger and rock sugar to taste . After that, the three ingredients boil two cups of water together until boiling . Wait boiling water to cool , strain , and drink the cooking water . Water boiled sage leaves is believed to be beneficial to remove phlegm. 

To Treat Hypertension 
With sage leaves are heart disease can gradually owned better if consume regularly . How, to provide 8 grams and 10 grams of sage leaves sembung , and 5 grams of kencur . Boil the three ingredients with 400 ml of water simultaneously. After boiling , let stand used to warm or cool and drink boiled water until exhausted. 

Benefits Saga Leaves For Birds 
Besides being known as a remedy for a variety of human diseases sage leaves , also known as a potent medicine for birds . Healthy birds still marked by agility and sound booms and vice versa when the condition is not healthy then the bird would look weak . The weak state of the birds that certainly can not be ignored because it will lead to death . How to treat a bird that is almost dead or limp with sage leaves are mixed into bird feed . It is believed to be a potent and efficacious drugs for dying birds. 

Vitamin Leaf Saga 
Sage leaves can treat various diseases because it contains vitamins such as protein , Vitamin A , Vitamin B1 , Vitamin B6 , Vitamin C , Calcium Oxalate , Glisirizin , Flisirizinat , Polygalacturomic Acid , and pentosan.

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