Friday, 22 May 2015

CELERY FOR HEALTHY (Apium Graviolens)

CELERY (Apium Graviolens)

Celery ( Apium graveolens L. ) is a leaf vegetable and medicinal plant commonly used as a spice in cooking . Several countries including Japan , China and Korea use part of the petiole as a food ingredient. In Indonesia, this plant was introduced by the Dutch colonialists and used the leaves for menyedapkan soup or as a salad. 

The use of celery is the most complete in Europe : leaf, petiole, fruit , and tubers of all utilized .This one plant may not be familiar to us , in addition to good use as a flavor enhancer turns celery also serves as a natural remedy because it is rich in calcium , phosphorus etc . 

Kind Of Celery 
There are three groups of celery The cultivated : 

Celery Leaves
1. OR sliced ​​celery leaves celery ( A. graveolens secalinum Group ) Commonly taken leaves And Many Used in Indonesian cuisine . 
petiole cross section of  celery stalk

2. Stalk celery ( A. graveolens dulce Group ) The stalk leaves grow and flavorful Fresh, usually Used as a salad component .  
celery tubers
3. Celery tuber ( A. graveolens rapaceum Group ), which form the bulbs in the ground ; hearts usually used soups , stews Created , OR schnitzel . Husband tubers rich in provitamin A and K.

The usefulness of celery  
Celery is a versatile plant, mainly as a vegetable and medicine. As a vegetable, leaf, petiole, and tubers as soup mix. The leaves are also used as a salad, or cut into small pieces and sprinkled on soup meatballs, soup, a variety of other soups, porridge or even chicken.
Celery (especially fruit) as a medicinal ingredient has been touted by Dioskurides and Theoprastus of Classical Greek and Roman times as "conditioning the stomach". Veleslavin (1596) warned against eating celery too much because it can reduce the milk. 
Celery is touted as an anti-hypertensive vegetables. Another function is as a laxative (diuretics), anti-rheumatic and plant appetite (karminativa). Tubers possess properties that are similar to the leaves but is also used as afrodisiaka (sexual arousal).However, celery potential to cause allergies in some people who are sensitive. Patients with inflammatory ka'al not advisable to eat them.
Distinctive aroma comes from a number of volatile components of the essential oils contained in , the highest in the dried fruit. The content is primarily butilftalida and butilidftalida as the main aroma carrier. There are also a number of flavonoids, such as graveobiosid A (1-2%) and B (0.1 to 0.7%), as well as phenols compounds. Other components apiin, isokuersitrin, furanokumarin, and isoimperatorin. The main fatty acid content dalah petroselin acid (40-60%). Leaf and petiole contain steroids such as stigmasterol and sitosterol.
An endonuclease enzyme called Cel1 also extracted from celery  and used in a molecular biology technique called TILLING.

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